
"Breathe!" is a unique interactive installation that encourages viewers to synchronize with its "breathing" through a programmed audio and visual loop. The soundscape of the installation is a breath recorded in a professional studio. The audio sequence begins with a twenty-second heartbeat, followed by the first breath: inhaling for seven seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, during which the body and organs are filled with oxygen, and then exhaling for seven seconds. After this sequence, the first chakra, the root chakra, illuminates. The entire sequence repeats seven times, with each round highlighting additional chakras, creating a visual effect reminiscent of energy activation in the body. The loop ends with a spectacular light show within the installation, symbolizing a connection with oneself and achieving enlightenment. This particular type of interactivity often leads viewers to spend extended periods in front of "Breathe!" trying to synchronize with its breathing rhythm.

Rapackiego Square
Marcus Anders
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